Sunday, July 26, 2009


Was it not just one of the most beautiful days here in the burbs!? I enjoyed a good part of it peering out my van window and enjoying the warm breeze. Today I drove home from my folks with one lone ranger in the back-NOAH! My four olders kiddos were staying at Grams and Gramps for a few days. Definately helps pass the time that Dad is gone! Poor little Noah has a bad ear infection, of this I am almost positive-so off to the doctor for us tomorrow. But we came home, dropped our bags and cuddled up in the big chair together. A few hours later, i got a call from mama saying my Bell was sick now too, so Noah and I hopped back in the car again and drove back to get Bell. But I thanked the Lord for the extra driving and time to just think and pray. Lots to talk about with him! And a lot to be ever thank ful for.

The Ecuador team had a wonderful morning at church. They attended two services and a sunday school class. They were able to sing a worship song during the services. After church they traveled further up into the mountians and enjoyed a day of fishing. They spent the evening meeting to prepare for the start of VBS tomorrow. Some will be at VBS and others will be continueing on work projects at the local churches. After VBS tomorrow, much of the time will be spent in preparation for the youth rally they will be having on Tuesday evening. As I was talking with Matt while they traveled back to camp, they were stopping at the park to invite many of the kids that they had met the day before, to the youth rally.

Matt had a good laugh when he found out they had announced his broken toe in church. He was pretty amazed by how fast word travels around the world:)- So if any of you are wondering, he is doing fine, he wore his sandals all day and that was much less painful than normal shoes. I am sure he is sooo pleased that I am sharing all this:)-you know-he's a manly man who feels no pain-ha!

Please remember to pray for Hannah Smyth, as she will be sharing the gospel on Tuesday night at the youth rally. I know she is so excited! Also be praying for the students who will be sharing their testimonies and that the Lord would use it to bring people to know Him personally!

I hope everyone had a beautiful weekend and is excited and rested for the new week!

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