This was at the rehearsal for the wedding-such a fun time!!!Oh-and just a little side note-Nicole asked me to make the tree behind them for the wedding -such a fun project! Eventually-hopefully-I will make it into a quilt for them.
The beautiful bride, one of my most precious friends!

This month also brought the loss of my Grandma. It was expected and in some ways even looked forward too because of the amount of pain she has been in consistently for years, but also brought a real sadness. Grandma knew the Lord as her Savior and it is a joy knowing she is with Jesus and out of such intense pain. I was not able to see her before she died, and there is a bit of a sting that I will not be able to see her again. The memorial service was Thanksgiving weekend and my husband had the privilege of giving the message at her service and burial. It was also a time to see family we do not get to see often since we are spread out throughout the country. I was so thrilled to even see my cousin Gabe who had just returned home from his 2nd tour in Iraq! How proud I am of him and his wife and kiddos and all they has fought for and sacrificed!
All of the great grand kids sang "Away In The Manger" for Grandma Lucy at the grave sight. She loved being a Grandma and loved being a Great Grandma who our children called "GG". I have been so blessed to have had my grandma get to meet all 5 of my children before going home to be with Jesus.
We enjoyed having Matt's family stay with us over Thanksgiving and my sister and brother in law stay with us for the funeral. I loved preparing for them.
All prepared for Thanksgiving dinner!
And here is my sister captivating the kids with a funny animal app on her phone-Talk about giggles!!!
There has been so many wonderful events but I am simply exhausted and attempting to catch up on sleep and work. Thank you to all my customers for being so gracious and patient with my schedule!! I am getting back into a normal routine again. I was able to get some new items listed this morning and thought I would share a quick peek.
A new set of grape jelly mittens for women...
Some new dotty coffee cozies....
And a few new sets of button bookmarks...
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