For those of you are smitten with vintage linens...The Vintage Sheet Blog is your place!!! Jen has done a fabulous job at connecting all of us who love to collect, reuse, and create with vintage bed linens. She is celebrating the one year anniversary of the blog with a whole month of giveaways. It is nearly over but there are a few of us still featuring different giveaways.
I have the privelege of hosting two
giveaways. The first is a stack of 9 fat quarters cut from vintage linens.

The second is for a crayon roll, made with vintage linens and stocked with brand new crayons.
You can head over to
The Vintage Sheet Blog to get in on the last of the giveaways.
Just found your blog and am following. Love the vintage sheets and the sewing you do. I too love thrifting. Come on over to Would love to have you follow too!