Our Sundays after church this season have been low key and restful. We took some time off from the kids being involved in the night activities at church this fall due to my need to adjust to the heart condition I was put on medicine for and for the fact that so many nights were already set aside for ministry each week and we felt we needed to just spend some time as a family that was not structured. And I am so thankful we have done that-not that we would want this time to last forever-we look forward to evenings at church again-but it has helped and in many ways to prepare us without us knowing, for this new adventure we are facing.
Blessing 1-We were able to take a good long walk together with lots of laughter and cool crisp air.
Blessing 2- Matt finished installing the light in our kitchen(with joy in his heart this time-long story). It works fabulous and now I can see when I cook-certainly worth the wait!!
Blessing 3- I was able to finish a few pairs of mittens while the girls worked on their own crafts next to me.
Blessing 4- I was able to make dinner and freeze a meal for when I am unable to cook in these next few months. The crisis cookbook is coming along as well. That feels like a great accomplishment!!
Blessing 5- Madi helped me by cleaning out and organizing some of the kitchen cabinets which will help all of them out if I cannot be out of bed to help.
Blessing 6-A meal with all of us around the dinner table and good conversations. There really is something magical about time around the table. And I really hope that through this pregnancy I can continue to be present at meals just for that part alone.
Blessing 7-the best of them all! Madi came and told Matt and I she wanted to be baptized this next Sunday, she asked Matt if he could baptize her-so we are thrilled. She has struggled through some tough things this past year and has grown closer to the Lord through it. So we are rejoicing for her step out in faith.
We are doing well at soaking in the moments while preparing for the road ahead.
These posts are just flooding me with joy for this sweet time and excitement over the expectation of God doing great things through the months ahead. Love you all so much!