I apologize for not updating yesterday-I think I am running out of steam. It will be so nice to have Matt home again! I kept the pool working, mowed the lawn, did the postal runs, cooked(Matt became our main cook when I began working), and ,a million other little things that the lovely man does for us, but that is not why I miss him. I just want my friend home to talk with. To begin and end the day with. I want to hear the car drive up in the driveway, and have the kids all run to the door waiting to tackle him. OK, and maybe I want another hand for changing those fragrant diapers:)-ha.
I am sure that most of you with a child on the trip or a spouse are really anxious for their return as well! Only one day left!!!!
The team had an incredible day yesterday, well at least half of the team:( I will explain that in a bit.--12 members of the team flew by bush plane into the jungle to spend time with the Huarani tribe. They had a once in a lifetime experience visiting with them. The tribe did a welcome dance for them, shared about thier history and plans for the future of the church, taught them how to blow poisoneous darts-yikes!, and did some trading with them. Lots of neat stories!
The other part of the group went on a jungle hike and it ended up being a bit too much for a tired team. As beautiful as it was, it was just as difficult. Janice ended up with a broken toe as well!Poor woman! And they were all happy to return to at the end of it.
The team made it back to Quito pretty late and ended up eating dinner at midnight! For a tired and hungry bunch, it wasn't the most favorable meal time and everyone was a bit on the weary and grumpy side. They were spread out across the hotel unfortunately and it took awhile for Matt to get everyone safely in their rooms, but the night passed with no trouble. Praise the Lord!
The team is going to do some sightseeing on thier last day. They are going to visit the center of the world today. They will be able to have one foot in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern hemisphere. They are also going to ride up the mountain on gondolas, the views should be spectacular!
Please pray for a day of laughter and joy. Pray that they can get along well despite how tired they are. Pray for safety. Pray for a night of rest before traveling again tomorrow. Please pray that they will not face delays in travel tomorrow. But Most of all, pray that they are sensitive to all the Lord has taught them during this time.
I will update tomorrow hopefully throughout the day as I hear form them. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at church tomorrow night upon their arrival, can you believe it is almost over!
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