Mother's Day weekend has always been full of memories. It has always been a wonderful start to life outdoors after a long season of four walls and cabin fever. We have enjoyed many Mother Day weekends prepping the gardens for planting. There have been a few exceptions to this over the years though. 8 years ago, I lost one of our babies over Mother's Day weekend, I will never forget how much I ached for that little one,or how I spent the weekend curled up on this swing that Matt gave me for Mother's Day that year. 8 years later and three more kiddos later, I find it pretty difficult to want to give it up even though it is all worn down and missing many of it's parts. I have missed planting a garden on behalf of the arrival of this little wonder as well-but that was a far better Mother's Day gift than a garden:)If I must choose, I would rather grow babies than flowers and veggies!
Many of you may already know that we have a small guinee pig farm at our house. They have become to perfect pet for our kiddos to take care of. And we have grown quite fond of their quirky personalities. We have been able to witness the birth of many little cuties and I am still attempting to figure out the family tree, but ask my kiddos and they can explain who is Grandpa to who and who is so and sos sister, and so on- But one new feature with this new playyard has been absolutely perfect for the pigs! Instead of making the bottom a sandbox, we have come to use it as the "grazing" yard for our little piggies without having to worry about any escapees! I think the pigs are in paradise:)
This was an especially blessed weekend this year. Mom and Dad came out on Monday, Matt's day off to give Matt and I a day away-which was dreadfully needed I must say. We have had a crazy schedule these last few months and when it wasn't work away from home, it was dealing with the breaking down of things around the house, every time we got one things fixed and took a breath, something else would go-you know how it is. I think Mom and Dad could sense a weariness in me, although it wasn't to hard to see since I have been a bit crabby:) at the littlest things. But we had a wonderful day-lazy long lunch out with the wonderful gift card from some friends, the new Star Trek movie(IT WAS AWESOME), and some time playing with puppies at the pet shop(and no, we are not getting a dog, just dreaming). So, after a great day like that, Tuesday outside was awesome!
But, all good things must come to an end right!? Yesterday, I ended up with what we believe was food poisening! AUGH! I am finally getting back on my feet after just wanting to die. OIY! My blessed Madi girl gave up her night at church with friends to stay home and help with the wee ones as I laid on the bathroom floor thinking my end was near:)-haha Then she tended to playing with my hair after the little ones went to bed. She was my saving grace! It is always scary to get sick when you have little ones to take care, but I have seen the Lord use our older kids to really help keep our family going in hard times like these. They seem to have a very sensitive spirit and one of helpfulness that blesses at just the right time. I am just so thankful I was the only one that got it!
What a wonderful time Amanda. I miss you so much!